How To: Cut flat laminated glass
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to cut laminated glass. Laminated glass is a safety glass that has two pieces of glass with a plastic foam in between. The materials required to cut laminated glass are: an oil glass cutter, L-square, razor blade and an optional propane torch. Begin by marking the glass to your preferred measurement. Then use the L-square to line up the marking. Then use the oil glass cutter to cut down the marked line. Flip it over do the same on the other side. Then...
How To: Learn beginning lampworking techniques
Tips for the beginner borosilicate glass artist. This video demonstrates cold and hot seals, pulling curves, and more.
How To: Cut plate glass
This is a Fine Art video tutorial where you will learn how to cut plate glass. Measure the plate glass and make sure the measurements are correct. Then place the guide along the line of the cut, take your glass cutter and score along the edge of the guide. If the plate is small in size, take the base of the cutter and place it underneath the score mark and apply equal pressure with your hands on both sides of the score. The plate will snap with a nice clean cut. Another way to snap the glass ...
How To: Make a glass spinning top
In this tutorial Suellen Fowler shows you how to make a beautiful borosilicate glass spinning top with her characteristic hobnail pattern.
How To: Lampwork glass tiger stripe beads
We will show you how to make tiger stripe beads in this lampworking video.
How To: Grind glass
Learn about grinding glass using various methods with experts from the Corning Museum of Glass.
How To: Make coral embellished upcycled plates with Evette Rios
Typically during the holiday season hostesses give very little attention to the plates that food is served on. Because the focus is on the food, the plate needs to be nothing more than a plain white backdrop, right? Wrong.
How To: Make upcycled stenciled water glasses with Evette Rios
Don't have a matching glass cup set? No problem. If you have a bunch of variously shaped and sized water glasses, you can make them match easily - and stylishly - by painting on some easy animal patterns.
How To: Turn a Boring Transparent Window into a Colorful Faux Stained Glass Masterpiece
When most people think of stained glass, the first thing that comes to mind is a church, but it's become more popular in home decor as well. The biggest downside is that high quality stained glass pieces can be insanely expensive—and it's not an easy project to take on yourself.
How To: Make DIY upcycled wine glasses with Evette Rios
You don't need to get your wine glasses from Bloomingdale's for them to look elegant, chic, and stylish. In fact, if you're trying to squeeze entertaining into your budget right now, you can just pick up a wine glass set from Goodwill and make them your own by personalizing them.
How To: Etch a drinking glass
In order to etch a drinking glass, you will need the following: a dremel or a glass engraver, a glass, and a template.
How To: Cut large format glass tiles
In this video, we learn how to cut large format glass tiles. First, measure out where you want the cut to be on the glass, then cut it with a sharp X-acto knife. After this, use a glass cutter to cut the bottom of the glass and create a crack what will go down to the cut that you just made. After this, break the two sections apart and you will have two piece of tile out of your large one. You can do this on any kind of tile and it takes just a few short steps. When you're done, sand down the ...
How To: Make a DIY front surface mirror (cheap, small & circular)
If you consider yourself a "laser" man, then you probably know all about front-surface mirrors. But do you know how to make an FS mirror? This video from AP Digital light will show you how to make cheap first surface mirrors.
How To: Etch glass in 5 minutes
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to etch glass in 5 minutes. The materials needed for his procedure are: contact paper, Armour Etch and a paintbrush, glass and a sink. Begin by cutting the contact paper face up on a circuit mat. Cut it on medium speed and pressure. Then put the contact paper on glass. Work carefully to prevent any wrinkles and bubbles in the design. Now put the etching cream on in a dabbing motion. The etching cream will not run into areas that are not stuck down. Fi...
How To: Cut a piece of glass with scissors
In this video, we learn how to cut a piece of glass with scissors, water, and a lighter. First, you will need to grab a lighter and place it under the piece of glass that you want to cut to heat it up. Next, you will place your piece of glass into a sink full of water and cut your desired piece. Make sure to cut carefully, as you can get hurt very easily when dealing with sharp edges of glass. Make sure you are keeping the piece of glass you are using completely submerged in the water, along ...
How To: Cut mirror
Do you have a mirror that needs fitting in your bathroom, living room, or bedroom? From My Glass Trades, a video on how to cut mirror. Learn about the tools and techniques used to cut mirror and how to use an oil filled glass cutter and neophenolic L square. Get your project done the right way, and study up before you begin!
How To: Begin cutting glass
When you begin a hobby like custom framing or any other type of art involving glass, you will need to know how to safely cut and shape glass without breaking it.
How To: Cut a glass bottle with a string
This video describes the process of cutting a beer bottle in half. First a piece of string is tied around a glass beer bottle to gauge the proper length that the string should be. Next, excess string is cut off and the tied string loop is slid up and off of the bottle. Next, the cap of a bottle of nail polish remover is unscrewed and the cap is filled with nail polish remover. The string is then wadded up and dipped into the nail polish remover for a couple seconds. The string is slid back on...
How To: Cut a piece of glass under water
This video shows how a piece of glass can be cut using a pair of scissors into the shape that you want. First, use a permanent marker to draw the outline of the shape you want on the glass. Next, submerge the part of the glass that you want to cut into a basin of water. Using a pair of scissors, start cutting the general outline of the shape on the glass. After you are done with the general outline, you can then trim the glass with it still submerged in the basin of water. Remember to be care...
How To: Use a glass cutter & runner
This is a great simple video, which will show you how to properly use a glass cutter and runner. The very first step is how to hold the glass cutter, you want to hold it at a 45 degree angle straight on the glass. Make sure to try your best to avoid leaning it to the left or right and at a 90 degree angle, and also make sure to start off the glass before cutting. Depending on your preference you can either push or pull the cutter, it doesn't matter which way. Once you make the cut, take the r...
How To: Cut glass with a pair of scissors
This video describes the process of cutting glass with a regular pair of scissors. Objects required include a pair of scissors, glass to cut, gloves, a tub, and water. First, fill the tub with water to a proper depth to allow for submersion of the glass. Once the tub is filled, submerge the glass and once the glass is submerged, while holding it, begin to slowly cut the glass with careful and slow cuts from the scissors. It is suggested to not conduct the procedure with haste, take the proces...
How To: Cut glass with a glass cutter
Looking to get some glass cut? Instead of taking it down to your local glass cutter and shelling out some cash, why not learn to do it yourself? In this video, learn how to cut glass using a "glass cutter".
How To: Engrave your drinking glasses
Personalize your drinking glasses by etching names and messages on them. Your guests will be so impressed!
How To: Make glass buttons using a multi- mandrel
See how to use a Multi-Mandrel and watch demonstrator Scott make a set of buttons in no time flat in this how-to video. The multi-mandrel hold several pieces of glass as they're shaped into buttons, beads, or the desired craft project. Watch this video glass-work tutorial series and learn how to make glass buttons using a multi-mandrel.
How To: Make encased stringers on glass beads
Here is a quick video on how to make encased stringers for glass beads. This is a great way to add fancy stringer decoration to your glass beads. These lampworking instructions demonstrate how to add thin ropes of color and pattern embedded in the molten glass bead. Use this technique to make finely crafted glass jewelry such as beads for necklaces, bracelets and earrings.
How To: Make glass beads with a lampworking torch
Here is a little video the demonstrates how to make glass beads. These lampworking instructions will teach you how to light a lampworking torch and make bead out of molten glass. You can add detail to your glass jewelry to form finely crafted glass jewelry such as beads, buttons and miniature animals.
How To: Turn scrap fusing glass into a ribbon cane
This is a quick demonstration of one of the many ways to turn scrap Bullseye glass in to a ribbon cane. Watch this instructional lampworking video to recycle glass pieces and melt them into a cane. You can then use the glass cane to melt it into finely crafted glass jewelry such as beads, buttons and glass miniatures.
How To: Make a wick holder for oil lamps
This instructional lampworking video demonstrates how to make a wick holder for an oil lamp. With a lampwork torch you can melt a small glass tube which you can use to hold a wick upright in a traditional oil lamp. This glass tube keeps the wick from slipping into the treacherous oil and preserves the flame.
How To: Use a holey marver to lampwork consistent glass beads
Watch this instructional lampworking video to use a holey marver for making strings of glass beads using a lampwork torch and an electric mandel spinner. A marver is a tool used in glassblowing. It generally is made of a polished steel surface and is used to shape molten glass. A warm piece of glass is rolled on the marver, for two reasons: controlling temperature and adjusting shape. Because the glass comes in direct contact with the steel, it must be kept very clean. A holey is usually rubb...
How To: Use a Powder Vibe tool for enamel powder and lampwork
Here are a few handy tips to help you care for your Powder Vibe for Glass Enamel Powders and how to load it safely. The Powder Vibe tool is a motorized device for the dispensing of glass enamel powders. This tool helps with health and safety by reducing dust and the need for enamel powder sifting when lampworking glass jewelry. The powder vibe tool keeps your enamel powders clean and gives you great control. Use the tool to add smooth streams of glass powder and enamel powder onto your lampwo...
How To: Use a Powder Vibe tool for glass enamel powders
The Powder Vibe tool is a motorized device for the dispensing of glass enamel powders. This tool helps with health and safety by reducing dust and the need for enamel powder sifting when lampworking glass jewelry. The powder vibe tool keeps your enamel powders clean and gives you great control. Use the tool to add smooth streams of glass powder and enamel powder onto your lampwork glass beads.
How To: Transfer glass using an electric mandrel spinner
See how fast and precisely you can transfer glass onto the mandrel using our electric mandrel spinner. An electric mandrel spinner is a tool that grips materials to be spun or machined. Watch this instructional lampworking video to see how molten glass may be shaped with a mandrel spinner. Mandrels are commonly used to shape beads of glass into a desired size and shape for jewelry manufacturing. This video shows you how to build transfer glass from the cane using a lampwork torch and an ele...
How To: Remove mandrels from a handmade lampwork button
An electric mandrel spinner is a tool that grips materials to be spun or machined. Watch this instructional lampworking video to see how molten glass may be shaped with a mandrel spinner. Mandrels are commonly used to shape beads of glass into a desired size and shape for jewelry manufacturing. This video shows you how to remove the mandrels from a completed glass button.
How To: Use a deluxe electric mandrel spinner for glass work
This video shows the features of the Deluxe electric mandrel spinner. An electric mandrel spinner is a tool that grips materials to be spun or machined. Watch this instructional lampworking video to see how molten glass may be shaped with a mandrel spinner. Mandrels are commonly used to shape beads of glass into a desired size and shape for jewelry manufacturing. This video shows you how to use all of the features of an electric mandrel spinner.
How To: Make spacer beads with an electric mandrel spinner
See how you can quickly, easily, and consistently you can make uniform lampwork spacers using the Electric Mandrel Spinner. An electric mandrel spinner is a tool that grips materials to be spun or machined. Watch this instructional lampworking video to see how molten glass may be shaped with a mandrel spinner. Mandrels are commonly used to shape beads of glass into a desired size and shape for jewelry manufacturing. This video shows you how to make glass spacer beads using a lampwork torch an...
How To: Maintain an electric mandrel spinner for glass work
An electric mandrel spinner is a tool that grips materials to be spun or machined. Watch this instructional lampworking video to see how molten glass may be shaped with a mandrel spinner. Mandrels are commonly used to shape beads of glass into a desired size and shape for jewelry manufacturing. This video shows you how to maintain an electric mandrel spinner.
How To: Burnish silver leaf using an electric mandrel spinner
An electric mandrel spinner is a tool that grips materials to be spun or machined. Watch this instructional lampworking video to see how molten glass may be shaped with a mandrel spinner. Mandrels are commonly used to shape beads of glass into a desired size and shape for jewelry manufacturing. This video shows you how burnish silver leaf using a lampwork torch and an electric mandrel spinner.
How To: Control a mandrel spinner for lampworking glass beads
An electric mandrel spinner is a tool that grips materials to be spun or machined. Watch this instructional lampworking video to see how molten glass may be shaped with a mandrel spinner. Mandrels are commonly used to shape beads of glass into a desired size and shape for jewelry manufacturing. The rheostat dial on your power box will control your "set" spinning rate.
How To: Decorate glass beads
Make your own glass beads with this easy instructions. Learn how to make colored glass beads with rods and torches in this free jewelry making video series.
How To: Make stepping stones out of stained glass
Beautify your garden or walkway with handmade stepping stones! Learn how to make stained-glass stepping stones in this free craft video series.